What and how are people eating? Is there adequate information on Good nutrition practices? The past years have seen international stakeholders and technical experts work to ensure Food Security focusing on the availability and accessibility dimensions. Yet still there are households that have undernourished children and mothers. A clear evidence that Food security does not always translate to Nutrition Security.
What and how are people eating? Is there adequate information on Good nutrition practices? The past years have seen international stakeholders and technical experts work to ensure Food Security focusing on the availability and accessibility dimensions. Yet still there are households that have undernourished children and mothers. A clear evidence that Food security does not always translate to Nutrition Security.
What and how are people eating? Is there adequate information on Good nutrition practices? The past years have seen international stakeholders and technical experts work to ensure Food Security focusing on the availability and accessibility dimensions. Yet still there are households that have undernourished children and mothers. A clear evidence that Food security does not always translate to Nutrition Security.
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